Sunday, September 28, 2008

Barack Obama

“Fired up- ready to go”, bounced from all sides, slightly suspending itself in the air before it dispersed, mingling in the crowd. An estimated six thousand people piled into the Cross Orchard’s field awaiting the arrival of 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama. Camera in hand, I stood about fifteen feet from the podium. I felt the energy level rise as the secret service sorted through the onlookers and their random belongings before everyone entered to take their place among the crowd. Dan Robinson, Governor Ritter, and Bill Haggerty entered the ring blocked off to make a picturesque seen with the flag mounted by the podium and Mount Garfield in the background. I wonder how much was planned and how much just happened. It was time for Dan Robinson to speak , and then Ken Salazar. Bill Haggerty’s introduction was a bit jumbled and wordy. I know I would be nervous too if I were announcing our possible future president. Then Barack Obama stepped up to the microphone. His speech hit on most of the major issues such as oil drilling, water rights, health care, and education. His speech lasted about 45 minutes. After he spoke, he went around the audience shaking hands and hugging people. My friend was standing on a little grass hill and got a picture of Obama eating a peach Bill Haggerty used in his speech to address agriculture in the Grand Valley. Then everyone filed out to their cars with renewed energy and smiles on their faces.

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