Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Caressing Waters!

I sit dangling my feet off the dock, watching the ships pass by heading away from the bay. I wave to a sailor, watching him slowly drift away, still seeing the rainbow sail almost invisible in front of the fiery sunset. The rays of bright orange ribbon against the deep blue sea are why I sit here, every night in the cool brisk air. Watching the sailors return to their well loved sea, the one thing that will never change for them, the tranquility of sailing in the waters, never knowing what the sea will bring tomorrow.

I stretch my leg out, feeling the water caress my feet with its silky touch. I sink down further, barely hanging on to the dock, feeling the cool waters splash on to my thighs, soaking my khaki shorts. I let go, falling into the waters. I bring my legs up to the surface letting my body drift to where I am floating on my back. I close my eyes, the cool water runs through my clothes, a wave stirs my body. I feel the rush of water across my stomach. My hair looks like brown smoke in the swirling liquid. I can see a lighthouse a little ways away with its lights swerving it reminds me of a carnival ride, bright and friendly, inviting people towards it.

The orange ribbon has disappeared leaving pitch black, no comfort of color, like someone poured tar on my little dock. I hit a rock, pulling myself up, feeling the cool sea air on my drenched body. My clothes cling to my smooth skin. I stay there, gazing at the midnight waters not seeing were the sea ends and the sky begins, resting my head on the smooth, grey rock watching the waters twist and turn. I feel the first drops on my now dry cheek as the rain starts. A slow drip-drop sound creating a nice lullaby lulling me to sleep.

I wake, startled by the now hectic waters, drenched in the tears of the dark rain clouds above me. I dive in to the fierce blackness. The sea is punching me, as the thrashing waters pull my head down. I struggle to breath, the once calming waters attack my fragile lungs until there’s no air left in my body. I float to the surface my eyes glazed over looking like foggy glass. The waters engulfed my heart. My one true comforting friend turned on me sending my life crashing to an end. I see my body floating lifeless in the sea as my soul lifts out of the dampened corpse drifting off, up to the emerging sunrise.

1 comment:

Aaron Majors said...

Hey there! Great stuff... I just moved to GJ and am trying to see what everything is all about... Hit me up on AIM or Twitter sometime!