Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day-Dreaming Creativness!

My secret place is my escape from reality. When I am stressed I take it out on my creativity. I Slap the clay over and over, producing different designs as my hands shifts the clay, it becomes air-less and ready to be mastered by hands, that appear small now, but matched with the force of a motor can create things that haven’t been thought of yet, not even by me. I pull a bat from the shelf concentrating on nothing in this atmosphere, my mind wonders from this world. Gentle whispers come from the radio in the corner above the creaking pipes, unheard at the moment. I sit soaking my hands and frustrations in clean, but not for long, water. I start the wheel as fast as I can, feeling the adrenaline rush of a NASCAR racer, as the clay swiftly moves through my hands. I push through the middle of the clay, I reduce the speed, almost hypnotized by the rotation of the wheel. I stare at the bat for a while spinning it at a medium speed, as shapes with the form from clay drips. I pull the clay with my fingers making the side of the walls appear like ocean waves. The ripples move up the piece, to the rim, and dissolve in to nothingness. I keep making the walls thinner as I push the clay to its limits. It tries to collapse, but soon I have control. I clutch my metal rim in my muddy fingers. I stroke the piece up and down smoothing it appear in to silky ribbons draped around the tall form. I work with my sponge pushing the top in further and further until it gives in with small wrinkles of reluctance. I take this side of a rib down from the neck to the base to create a whimsical spiral. I pull the piece off the wheel; I stare at it for a while. It reminds me of a yellow squash that was growing in my garden. A breeze comes through the open door. I shiver, realizing how close to fall it is. It’s almost time for leaves to fall gracefully off the trees, crows fly in the air, and soon, snow will make its appearance for the first time with soft floating cotton balls that stick to the ground below. I think my summer has ended. No more green grass and budding tulips, no more smells of fresh grass clippings and the sound of the air conditioner filling the hallway. So many inspirations come from my random day dream moments throughout the day. I grab the bat, still gooey from the left over clay. I run out in to the parking lot. I find weeds sporadically poking up in the rocks and pathways around the building. I get many confused stares from the High School students in gym class. I lean down, picking the leaves from the plant. I have to sort through the slightly brown ones that got shocked from the cold weather last night. I bring the leaves that captured my attention in still slightly hypnotized. I pull blue, brown, and green slip from the shelf. Hearing the radio announce tickets for a local band I have never even heard of. I start painting the leaves with small brush strokes as it beads up, appearing to look like mercury; the beads spread apart and regroup around the veins on the unusual surface. The slip sinks in the holes dripping on to my clay covered jeans. I place the leaves on my squash form creating a pattern that matched the spiral impression. I start pealing the leaves off, unleashing the beauty of the mercury beads left around the veins. One starts to drip, I think of dew that I saw coming off of my chrysanthemum this morning. I leave it. I let the drip make a design of its own. I’m not sure where it’s headed, but it’s making my imagination go wild. I start thinking of all the many things it could be, as it slowly drifts down the piece, leaving its last mark on the cement floor. Splatters have become second nature to the floor. It has many drips, drops, and puddles from people letting their art leave an impression, on the multi colored surface. I finish the piece, by making one last impression in the bottom. My stamp is made out of clear acrylic. As I press the stamp deeper and deeper in to the bottom of my squash bottle I can see the clay spreading to make room for the A.M on the stamp. Now it is Complete.

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